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Richard Marcus

Game Protection Consultant & Writer


Richard Marcus is widely regarded as one of the greatest professional casino cheats of all time. Over a 25-year career, he developed and executed a range of highly effective cheating techniques, including the famous Savannah Roulette Move. In a remarkable career shift, Richard now serves as a top Game Protection Consultant and trainer, working with casinos worldwide to safeguard their operations. He has shared his expertise at several prestigious Game Protection Conferences, such as the WGPC, G2E, and the Aces Gaming Summit in Singapore.

Richard is the founder and organizer of the Global Game Protection and Table Games Conference, the first and only conference that addresses the two sectors of the industry together.

His vast experience in the casino industry bring a unique and invaluable take on the LiveCasinos content.


  • Casino Game Protection and Anti-Cheating Measures
  • Training Casino Staff in Game Protection
  • Writing on Cheating Techniques and Casino Security


Richard’s expertise is drawn from first-hand experience and years of research in casino operations and security.


Richard is the author of five books, including “Dirty Poker”, “American Roulette” and “Game Protection From Both Sides of the Table”. He has written over a hundred articles on cheating and game protection, featured in major global publications, and has appeared on numerous TV and documentary programs.

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Richard Marcus