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Below you can read about the advantages and reasons why you should prefer your iPhone for live dealer casino gambling instead of your desktop, and you will read how to get started with playing iPhone live casinos in terms of download and installing the casino app.
People like convenience and when everything is at their hands reach, when they don’t need to get out of their comfort zone to achieve something, and the iPhone gives them exactly that when live casino gambling is in question. Before live casino gaming on iPhone was not possible, and people had to use their desktops, which meant being stuck in one place. With the iPhone you get to go anywhere you want and still be able to play a live dealer game while going there.
All you need to do is look for the website of the online casino where you want to play live dealer games using your Safari browser on your iPhone. Next, the website should detect that you’re using iPhone and thus will offer you the casino app that you can use to play live dealer games. Just download and install the app and you are done.
If there is no casino app available for download, it means you’ll be redirected to the web-based casino app where you can play live dealer games through live feeds that go directly into your browser without download or installing anything.