Being a loyal online casino visitor and spending vast amounts of money often comes with the royal treatment and perks, that only “blue blooded” players receive. And rightfully so – if you have earned the membership of a casino's VIP club, you are no ordinary player; these seats are so exclusive that the casino allows access only to their top notch visitors who become members by invite.
Once inside the group of the chosen ones, things can change drastically – casinos will go that extra mile to personalize your experience and pamper you to the extreme in every possible aspect. In a way, it is the same as travelling business class – once you experience it, economy class is no longer an option. To maximize your time at VIP tables and secure your position as the casino's privileged player, a few tips are in order.
Background Casino Check
Before getting ready to stroll down the red carpet the casino unrolled for you, make some time to investigate the benefits and other members (and former members) experiences. You may find out that playing at the VIP table is not at all as cracked up to be.
Fast withdrawals are the norm for any VIP participation, be it through the casino's VIP club membership or simply by playing at the VIP table (some casinos grant access to Private Tables even of you are not a VIP member). If you find that the casino is not honouring their VIP terms, it is probably for the best to stay clear. The same goes for personal account manager or any other type of personal assistance. Bringing relatively large deposits to the table entitles you to courteous and quick assistance and anything less than that is a red flag.
Step Up Your Game
Forget everything you know about online casino membership, bonuses, withdrawals and terms & conditions. The regular rules only apply to the mortals, and if you want to play with the big boys it is about time you start acting like one. Although VIP members are high rollers and the casino is making a lot of money on their membership, the service they provide is equivalent to the profit. It is time to step up your game; do not hesitate to go all the way – earning VIP membership, chances are you are already used to higher bankrolls.
Of course, with high stakes come high winnings which is why there is no reason to hold back now. This of course is not to be interpreted as an advice to stake your entire college fund on a single hand, but merely as a reminder that your newly acquired position comes at a certain price and you should not be afraid of paying it, since the benefits are extremely generous.
Start Small, End Big
If you have not done that already, invest some time into learning about strategies and developing your gambling skills, as you will be needing them now more than ever. With high stakes, planning your game ahead is of utmost importance if you are hoping for high turnovers. The best way to control your game and compete with the experienced VIP sharks at the table is to employ a betting system that will provide you with the damage control and keep you in the game long enough to efficiently recover from losses.
Some of the most popular strategies with high rollers are Martingale and Fibonacci system that increase/decrease the betting amount depending on the hand outcome, allowing the player to recover in a single successful hand.
Do not feel ashamed to start betting with the bet minimums and slowly build up towards the upper limit. The combination of the gameplay tactics and the betting strategy, such as minimizing your bets when the game's statistics predicts a losing hand and maximizing stakes when the winning round is expected, will turn you into a casino's VIP legend in no time.